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gallonage amount or capacity measured in gallons.
galloon a braid or trimming made of lace, metallic thread, or worsted.
gallop to ride a horse at full speed. [6 definitions]
gallows a wooden frame from which one or more nooses are suspended for the execution by hanging of condemned prisoners. [3 definitions]
gallows bird (informal) one who deserves to be put to death by hanging.
gallows humor morbidly humorous treatment of a serious or frightening situation.
gallstone a small stonelike concretion abnormally formed in the gall bladder or a bile passage.
galluses (informal) a pair of suspenders.
gall wasp any of various wasps whose larvae form galls on plants, esp. roses and oaks.
galop a lively nineteenth-century dance in two-four time. [2 definitions]
galore in great numbers; abundantly.
galosh (usu. pl.) a high-topped waterproof overshoe.
galvanic causing or caused by electricity, esp. when produced chemically. [2 definitions]
galvanism electricity, esp. when chemically produced. [2 definitions]
galvanize to subject to or stimulate by an electric current. [3 definitions]
galvanometer an instrument that detects and measures small electric currents.
galyak a flat, glossy fur made from lamb or kid pelts.
gam a school or group of whales.
gama grass any of several tall, reedlike perennial American grasses used for animal feed.
Gambia River a river that rises in North Guinea in western Africa and flows westward through Senegal and The Gambia to the Atlantic Ocean.
gambier an astringent extract obtained from various southern Asian vines, used in tanning and dyeing.