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glass snake any of several limbless lizards of the southern United States or of Europe and Asia, having a tail that snaps or breaks off easily.
glassware objects made of glass, esp. for a table setting.
glass wool fibers of spun glass that resemble wool and are used in insulation and air filters.
glasswort any of several fleshy plants that are found in salt marshes or the like, having succulent stems and scalelike leaves, the ash of which was formerly used in making glass.
glassy having qualities of glass, such as smoothness, slipperiness, or transparency. [2 definitions]
glaucoma a progressively disabling disease of the eye marked by increased pressure in and hardening of the eyeball.
glaucous of or pertaining to a light bluish green color. [2 definitions]
glaze to install glass in (a window). [9 definitions]
glazier a person who is trained to install window glass.
glazing the act of cutting and fitting glass in a window or the like. [3 definitions]
gleam a slight, sudden, or brief flash or beam of light; glint. [5 definitions]
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time. [4 definitions]
gleanable combined form of glean.
gleanings something that is gleaned or collected bit by bit.
glee a feeling of delight, joy, or gaiety. [2 definitions]
glee club a choral group that sings glees and other short choral pieces.
gleeful exuberantly joyful; merry.
glen a narrow secluded valley, esp. between mountains.
glengarry (sometimes cap.) a Scottish cap creased lengthwise on the top and often having short ribbons in the back.
Glen plaid (sometimes l.c.) a plaid pattern involving thin crisscrossing stripes of black or gray and white, and sometimes one or more muted colors. [2 definitions]
glib speaking or prone to speak easily and fluently, esp. in a careless or thoughtless manner, with little concern for the truth. [3 definitions]