God-fearing |
fearful and respectful of God. [2 definitions] |
godforsaken |
(sometimes cap.) desolate; dismal; remote. [2 definitions] |
God-given |
(sometimes l.c.) considered to be given by God. [2 definitions] |
godhead |
(cap.) the essential nature of God. [3 definitions] |
godhood |
the state of being a god; divinity. |
Godiva |
an eleventh-century English noblewoman who, according to legend, rode naked through the streets of Coventry to win relief for the people from a burdensome tax; Lady Godiva. |
godless |
without belief in any god; atheistic. |
godlike |
like, suitable to, or of the nature of God or a god; divine. |
godly |
characterized by reverence and love for God and respect for the ethical teachings of scripture; pious; devout. |
godmother |
a female godparent. |
go down |
to decrease or descend. [5 definitions] |
godparent |
an adult who promises at baptism to assume partial responsibility for a child, esp. to oversee his or her religious education. |
God's acre |
a graveyard, esp. one next to a church; churchyard; cemetery. |
godsend |
something needed or desired that comes or happens, as if sent by God. |
godson |
a male godchild. |
Godspeed |
good fortune and success (used as a wish to a person beginning a journey, venture, or the like). |
Godthaab |
the capital of Greenland. |
go Dutch |
(informal) to go on an outing, or order a meal, for which each person pays his or her own share. |
Godwin Austen |
see "K2." |
godwit |
any of several shorebirds having a long, slightly upturned bill. |
goer |
one that goes. [2 definitions] |