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green tea tea made from leaves that were not allowed to ferment before being heated.
green thumb an ability to make plants grow and prosper.
green turtle a large marine turtle, common in warmer waters, whose flesh is often used to make turtle soup or other dishes.
greenwash to present one's business enterprise as being more concerned about the preservation of the environment than it really is.
greenwashing the practice of presenting one's business enterprise as being more concerned about the preservation of the environment than it really is.
Greenwich a borough of London, England, through which the prime meridian passes.
Greenwich time the solar time that is determined at the prime meridian through Greenwich, England, and that is used to calculate and regulate time throughout most of the world; Greenwich mean time.
greenwood a woodland that is lush with green foliage.
greet to meet or address with friendly or respectful words. [3 definitions]
greeting words or gestures used to greet or to convey a message of friendliness or respect. [3 definitions]
greeting card a card that is imprinted with a design or picture and often a verse, sent on a holiday or special occasion to a friend, relative, or the like.
gregarious fond of socializing with others; sociable. [2 definitions]
Gregorian calendar the calendar introduced by Gregory XIII in 1582, succeeding the Julian calendar, and presently in use in most of the world.
Gregorian chant the monophonic plainsong formerly widely used in Roman Catholic ritual.
Gregor Johann Mendel an Austrian monk and botanist who founded genetics (b.1822--d.1884).
gremlin an imaginary mischief-maker on whom mechanical problems can be blamed.
Grenada an island country in the eastern West Indies north of Trinidad and Tobago.
grenade a small missile thrown or shot from a rifle-mounted launcher at a target after being primed to explode. [2 definitions]
grenadier formerly, an elite foot soldier or a soldier specializing in using grenades. [2 definitions]
grenadine1 a thin fabric worked in an open mesh weave.
grenadine2 a red syrup made from the juice of pomegranates or red currants and used in drinks.