hassle |
(informal) a disagreement or squabble. [4 definitions] |
hassock |
a low stool or firm cushion on which to kneel or rest one's feet. [2 definitions] |
hastate |
shaped like a spearhead, as some leaves. |
haste |
speed, esp. under conditions of urgency. [2 definitions] |
hasten |
to move or act speedily; hurry. [3 definitions] |
hasty |
done or produced quickly; speedy; hurried. [3 definitions] |
hasty pudding |
a cornmeal mush served with a sweetener such as molasses. |
hat |
a covering for the head, usu. worn for warmth, protection, or ornamentation. [2 definitions] |
hatband |
a band of cloth placed around the crown of a hat, just above the brim. |
hatbox |
a deep box or case, usu. cylindrical, for storing or carrying a single hat. |
hatch1 |
to help a young animal break out from (its egg) and be born. Birds, reptiles, and certain kinds of fish hatch eggs. [6 definitions] |
hatch2 |
an opening in the floor, roof, or side of a structure or vehicle, esp. a ship, through which passengers or cargo may pass. [2 definitions] |
hatch3 |
to draw lines on (a drawing, design, or the like), often two sets of close-set parallel lines crossing each other at right angles, in order to shade. [2 definitions] |
hatchback |
a style of automobile in which the rear covering extends in a slope from the roof and can be opened upward to allow maximum access to the rear storage area. |
hatchery |
a place where the eggs of fish, chickens, or other animals are hatched, as for the stocking of rivers, commercial sale, or other purposes. |
hatchet |
a small, lightweight, short-handled ax that can be used with one hand. [2 definitions] |
hatchet man |
(informal) a person hired by another to commit murder. [3 definitions] |
hatching |
the drawing or engraving of fine lines close together, used in shading or contour modeling. [2 definitions] |
hatchling |
a young animal, such as a bird, reptile, or fish newly emerged from its egg. |
hatchway |
an opening that has a hinged door or lid, through which passengers or goods may pass, as on a ship or aircraft; hatch. [2 definitions] |
hate |
to dislike intensely; feel hostility toward; loathe; detest. [4 definitions] |