historic |
significant in history. [4 definitions] |
historical |
of or relating to history or to the past. [3 definitions] |
historical linguistics |
the study of changes in a language over an extended period of time. |
historically |
concerning what actually existed and occurred in past times. |
historical materialism |
the Marxist principle holding that economic factors are predominant in forming and shaping social and political structures throughout history. |
historical present |
the present tense, or the use of this tense in the narration of events occurring in the past. |
historicity |
of an event, the fact of having occurred in history; historical authenticity. |
historiographer |
one who specializes in analyzing, teaching, or developing the techniques, principles, and theories of historical scholarship. [2 definitions] |
historiography |
the theories, methods, assumptions, and principles of historical research and writing. [3 definitions] |
history |
a chronological narrative of past events. [5 definitions] |
histrionic |
of or concerning actors or their work. [2 definitions] |
histrionics |
(usu. used with a pl. verb) overly dramatic, emotional, or affected behavior. [2 definitions] |
hit |
to deliver a blow or stroke to. [16 definitions] |
hit-and-run |
denoting or pertaining to a driver who does not stop at the scene after causing an accident with his or her motor vehicle. [2 definitions] |
hitch1 |
to connect or attach with or as if with a rope or straps, esp. loosely or temporarily. [9 definitions] |
hitch2 |
(informal) to solicit or obtain a free ride; hitchhike. |
hitchhike |
to solicit or obtain a free ride or series or rides in a vehicle. |
hither |
to or in the direction of this place; here. [2 definitions] |
hither and thither |
in or to a variety of places, esp. randomly; here and there. |
hither and yon |
from this location to another, esp. to a place at a great distance. [2 definitions] |
hithermost |
nearest to this place; closest. |