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home fries sliced raw or boiled potatoes fried in oil or shortening; home fried potatoes.
home front the civilian population or location during a time of war abroad conceived of an assisting force or as an additional theater of war in which the "combatants" do not actually fight but engage in activities that support those who do.
homegrown raised or grown at home or locally, as vegetables or fruits. [2 definitions]
homeland one's native country or region.
homeless having no home. [2 definitions]
homeless shelter a place that provides temporary shelter for the homeless, esp. for the purpose of sleep.
homely lacking beauty; plain; unattractive. [3 definitions]
homemade made at home rather than purchased. [2 definitions]
homemaker one whose main occupation is the care of a household.
homeo- similar.
home office the main office of a business, organization, or company that has several offices. [2 definitions]
homeopathy treatment of a disease with small doses of a drug that would, if taken in larger amounts, produce in a healthy individual symptoms like those of the disease. (Cf. allopathy.)
homeostasis the tendency of a physiological system, esp. of mammals and other higher animals, to remain more or less stable.
homeowner a person who owns a home, usu. his or her own residence.
home page the main page of a Web site, often having a table of contents and links to other parts of the Web site.
home plate in baseball, a five-sided flat slab of hard rubber at which the batter stands, and which the base runner must touch in order to score a run.
home port the location of a vessel between trips or during maintenance servicing, or its port of registration. [2 definitions]
homeporting the practice of establishing, in port cities, home ports for warships, esp. those carrying nuclear weapons.
Homer an actual or legendary Greek poet (about the eighth century B.C.).
homer (informal) in baseball, a home run. [2 definitions]
home range the area usu. covered by an animal during the course of a day or season.