ill-concealed |
poorly-hidden, or intentionally allowed to be visible or ascertainable. |
ill-conceived |
poorly planned or thought out. |
ill-considered |
done without due consideration; imprudent or unwise. |
ill-disposed |
not favorable or receptive; hostile. [2 definitions] |
illegal |
contrary to law, rules, or the like; unlawful. [2 definitions] |
illegible |
difficult or impossible to read or decipher. |
illegitimate |
not legitimate; unlawful. [6 definitions] |
ill fame |
unfavorable reputation or name. |
ill-fated |
fated to come to a bad end; doomed. [2 definitions] |
ill-favored |
unattractive in appearance; ugly. [2 definitions] |
ill-founded |
having little or no basis in fact or reason. |
ill-gotten |
obtained by dishonest or evil means. |
ill humor |
an unpleasant or irritable mood; disagreeableness. |
illiberal |
lacking tolerance; bigoted. |
illicit |
not permitted by custom or law; illegitimate. |
illimitable |
not subject to limits; limitless. |
Illinois |
a Midwestern U.S. state west of Indiana. (abbr.: IL) [3 definitions] |
illiteracy |
the condition of being unable to read and write. [3 definitions] |
illiterate |
If a person is illiterate, they cannot read or write. [5 definitions] |
ill-mannered |
showing bad manners; impolite. |
ill nature |
a disagreeable or spiteful disposition. |