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insanity persistent or permanent mental disorder or derangement. [4 definitions]
insatiable incapable of being satisfied or fulfilled; extremely greedy.
insatiate not satisfied; impossible to satisfy; insatiable.
inscape the essence of a person, place, thing, or event, esp. as expressed in poetry.
inscribe to write or impress (words or the like). [5 definitions]
inscription something that is inscribed, such as words on a monument. [3 definitions]
inscrutable impossible to comprehend or interpret; mysterious.
inseam the seam on the inner side of a pant leg, from the crotch to the hem.
insect any of a group of small invertebrate animals that have segmented bodies, three pairs of legs, and usually one or two sets of wings. An insect's body is segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen. [3 definitions]
insecticide a substance used to kill insects.
insectifuge a substance used to drive away insects.
insectivore an animal or plant that eats insects. [2 definitions]
insectivorous eating insects primarily or exclusively. [2 definitions]
insecure having insufficient protection; not safe or secure. [3 definitions]
insecurity the condition or quality of having insufficient protection or not being safe. [3 definitions]
inseminate to place sperm in the womb of (a female), esp. for reproduction. [2 definitions]
insensate not having feelings or sensations; inanimate. [3 definitions]
insensible without normal sensations; unconscious. [4 definitions]
insensitive lacking normal physical sensation or response. [2 definitions]
insentient lacking perception or consciousness; inanimate.
inseparable impossible or difficult to divide or to conceive of as separate; tending to remain together.