inseparable |
impossible or difficult to divide or to conceive of as separate; tending to remain together. |
insert |
to put or cause to be put in, into, or within. [2 definitions] |
insertion |
the act of inserting, or something that is or will be inserted. |
in-service |
taking place or available while one is an employee. |
inset |
something placed in or within something else; insert. [3 definitions] |
inshore |
toward or near the coast. [2 definitions] |
inside |
in the inner part of; within. [9 definitions] |
inside job |
(informal) a crime committed by someone with intimate knowledge of, or association with, the victim or the victim's property or premises. |
inside of |
within the area or period of. |
inside out |
reversed so that the inner surface is facing outward. [3 definitions] |
inside-out |
having the inner surface facing outwards. |
insider |
one with privileged knowledge or access to it. [2 definitions] |
insider trading |
the often illegal buying or selling of company stock based on information that is not made public. |
inside track |
the shorter inside path on a curved racetrack. [2 definitions] |
insidious |
dangerous through cunning, subtlety, and underhandedness. [2 definitions] |
insight |
the power of mind to grasp an essential meaning or truth. [2 definitions] |
insightful |
keenly perceptive. |
insignia |
a badge, button, emblem, or the like that indicates membership in a certain group. [2 definitions] |
insignificant |
having no value, importance, or significance; trivial. [3 definitions] |
insincere |
exhibiting false or dishonest feelings or opinions; hypocritical. |
insincerity |
the quality of being insincere; deceitfulness or hypocrisy. [2 definitions] |