jaguar |
a large wild cat, resembling but larger than a leopard, that is native to Central and South America. |
jaguarondi |
a small wild cat of South America with a long slender body and tail. |
jai alai |
a game somewhat similar to handball but played on a larger court, in which players have a curved basket strapped to the wrist for catching and hurling the ball. |
jail |
a building in which a government confines accused or convicted offenders, usu. for short periods. [3 definitions] |
jailbait |
(slang) a person under the age of consent, sexual intercourse with whom may be punishable as statutory rape. |
jailbird |
(informal) someone who is serving or has served time in jail; convict. |
jailbreak |
a forcible escape from jail. |
jailer |
one responsible for the maintenance and security of a jail. [2 definitions] |
Jain |
a believer in or supporter of Jainism. [2 definitions] |
Jainism |
a dualistic Hindu religion founded in India in the sixth century B.C., emphasizing asceticism, teaching transmigration of the soul, and regarding the worship of the gods as spiritually unimportant. |
Jakarta |
the former capital of Indonesia. The current capital city is Nusantara on the island of Borneo. |
Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm |
German brothers who were folklorists and philologists (Jakob, b.1785--d.1863; Wilhelm, b.1786--d.1859). |
jalap |
the dried root of any of several plants belonging to the morning-glory family, used as a purgative. [2 definitions] |
jalapeņo |
a very hot Mexican pepper, now widely cultivated. |
jalopy |
(informal) an old automobile in poor condition. |
jalousie |
a shutter, blind, or window with overlapping horizontal slats that can be tilted to admit more or less light or air. |
jam1 |
to force or pack tightly into a small space. [12 definitions] |
jam2 |
a sweet spread usu. made by cooking crushed fruit and sugar. |
Jamaica |
an island country in the West Indies south of Cuba. |
Jamaica rum |
a dark, pungent, full-bodied rum made in Jamaica. |
jamb |
the side, or side frame, of a door or window opening. |