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Jove the god Jupiter.
jovial heartily cheerful, friendly, and merry; convivial.
Jovian of, pertaining to, or like the Roman god Jove. [2 definitions]
jowl1 a jawbone, esp. the lower one. [2 definitions]
jowl2 skin, flesh, or the like that hangs down from the lower jaw.
joy an exalted feeling or emotion; bliss; elation. [3 definitions]
joyful full of joy; feeling, expressing, or causing great happiness.
joyless without happiness or joy; dismal or sad.
joyous feeling, expressing, or causing joy; joyful; happy.
joy ride a short, reckless car ride usu. for the thrill of driving fast or being in danger.
joystick (informal) the control stick of an airplane, or any similar controlling device.
J.P. abbreviation of "Justice of the Peace," the lowest level of magistrate in some U. S. states, whose jurisdiction is usu. part of a county and whose duties include administering oaths, performing marriages, and trying minor cases.
JPEG abbreviation of "Joint Photographic Experts Group," used to denote the cross-platform image file format based on this committee's image compression algorithm, or such a file itself, and, shortened to jpg, used as the filename extension for files in this format.
Jr. abbreviation of "Junior," used after a male person's name when he has the same first and last name as his father
Ju. abbreviation of "June," the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
jubbah a long outer robe worn by men and women in some Muslim countries.
jubilant having or expressing great joy; exultant.
jubilate to feel joyful; rejoice; exult.
jubilation a feeling of great joy, pride, and happiness; exultation. [3 definitions]
jubilee a particularly celebrated anniversary, such as the fiftieth, or the celebration itself. [4 definitions]
Judah one of the sons of the Biblical patriarch Jacob and the ancestor of one of the ancient Hebrew tribes.