lecher |
one, esp. a man, who is excessively concerned with sexual pleasure and stimulation. |
lecherous |
given to, characterized by, or inciting lechery; lustful. |
lechery |
an act of or tendency toward excessive sexual indulgence. [2 definitions] |
lecithin |
any of a group of fatty substances containing phosphorus that are found in all animal and plant tissues and in egg yolk. [2 definitions] |
lectern |
a desk or stand with a slanted top to hold books, notes, or the like for a standing speaker or reader, as in a classroom or church. |
lection |
a reading from the Bible given during a religious service, the text of which is particularly prescribed for the day; lesson. |
lecture |
a formal instructional talk given in front of an audience. [4 definitions] |
lecturer |
a person who gives lectures, esp. at a college or university. |
abbreviation of "light-emitting diode," a semiconductor diode that emits a bright light when electrified. |
led |
past tense and past participle of lead1. |
Leda |
in Greek mythology, a queen of Sparta to whom Zeus, in the form of a swan, made love. |
lede |
the first sentence or a very brief introduction to a journalistic piece intended to draw in the reader. |
lederhosen |
short leather pants with suspenders worn by men and boys in Bavaria and parts of the Alps. |
ledge |
a narrow, flat, horizontal projection from a vertical surface, esp. from a wall, as at the bottom of a window. [3 definitions] |
ledger |
a book used to record all of the financial transactions of a business, esp. as a final record of accounts. |
ledger line |
a short line placed above or below a musical staff to accommodate notes beyond the range of the staff. |
lee |
the side that faces away from the wind. [3 definitions] |
leech |
any of various primarily aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous worms, one species of which was formerly used medicinally to bleed patients. [4 definitions] |
leek |
a plant related to the onion that has broad green leaves and a fleshy, white, cylindrical bulb. |
leer |
to give a sideways or nasty look or smile suggestive of malicious or sexual thoughts. [2 definitions] |
leery |
suspicious or mistrustful; wary (usu. fol. by "of"). |