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leprous of, characteristic of, or resembling leprosy. [3 definitions]
-lepsy seizure; attack; fit.
leptin a protein hormone made by fat cells that inhibits hunger.
lepton1 a former monetary unit of Greece equalling one hundredth of a drachma.
lepton2 any of a group of subatomic particles such as the electron, muon, and neutrino that have a spin of one-half and very little or no mass.
leptospirosis any of various systemic infections in humans and animals, variously affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, or the like, that is caused by a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria found in water and sewage.
lesbian pertaining to homosexual relations between women or to women who are homosexual. [2 definitions]
lese majesty a crime against or affront to the dignity of a ruler, sovereign, or head of state. [2 definitions]
lesion any structural change to an area of tissue, caused by injury or disease and usu. in the form of an open wound, ulcer, or the like.
Lesotho a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by South Africa.
lespedeza any of a variety of plants related to the pea, having trifoliolate leaves that are grown for forage, soil improvement, and the like.
-less not having; without; lacking. [2 definitions]
less comparative of "little." [6 definitions]
lessee one who holds or occupies property by lease.
lessen to become or make smaller in degree, amount, or size.
lesser a comparative of "little." [3 definitions]
lesser-known less well-known.
lesser panda a small reddish brown carnivore related to the raccoon that has a long, bushy, ringed tail and that is native to the Himalayas.
lesson a period of instruction in which particular things are taught, or a particular thing or set of things that are to be learned or studied. [7 definitions]
lessor one who lets property to another by lease.
less than in mathematics, being a quantity larger than the quantity that follows.