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mechanistic of or pertaining to the theory that everything in the universe is the result of physical forces. [3 definitions]
mechanize to equip with machinery or motorized conveyances. [3 definitions]
mechanotherapy the treatment of injuries, disease, or malformation by mechanical devices, massage, or the like.
Mechlin lace a fine Belgian bobbin lace with a raised cord that outlines the design.
med. abbreviation of "medical," of or relating to the study or practice of medicine. [2 definitions]
medal a flat piece of metal, in varying shapes and with an appropriate design or inscription stamped on it, used as an award or as a commemorative or religious object.
medalist a designer or maker of medals. [3 definitions]
medallion a large medal or something that resembles one. [2 definitions]
medal play a type of golf competition in which the total number of strokes taken by each side determines the score. (Cf. match play.)
meddle to interfere in matters concerning someone else, without authorization or request. [2 definitions]
meddlesome inclined to meddle or interfere in the business or affairs of others; interfering.
medevac the evacuation by helicopter, or other aircraft, of persons needing immediate medical attention. [4 definitions]
Medgar Evers American civil rights activist during the 1950s and early sixties. Evers worked to desegregate Mississippi schools, set up voter registration drives, helped organize economic boycotts of white businesses engaging in discrimination, and investigated crimes against black citizens. He was assassinated by a member of a white supremacist group in 1963. (b. 1925--d. 1963).
medi- middle.
media1 a plural form of medium. [2 definitions]
media2 the middle layer of an arterial or lymphatic duct.
mediaeval variant of medieval.
media event a public event that is deliberately staged in order to gain publicity from the news media.
medial in, at, toward, or pertaining to the middle; median. [5 definitions]
median in, toward, or pertaining to the middle. [6 definitions]
mediant in music, the third tone of a major or minor scale.