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meninx one of the three membranes covering the brain or spinal cord in vertebrates.
meniscus anything in the shape of a crescent. [3 definitions]
Mennonite any member of an evangelical Protestant Christian sect founded in the Netherlands in the sixteenth century, characterized by simple living and by opposition to military service and to holding public office. [2 definitions]
meno less (used with tempo directions in music).
menopausal of or pertaining to the natural cessation of menstruation that usually occurs in middle age.
menopause the period during which a female ceases to menstruate, usu. occurring in middle age.
menorah a candelabrum or candlestick with seven or nine branches, used in Jewish worship.
mensch human being (German, Yiddish); a kind, reliable, compassionate person.
menses (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the periodic discharge of blood, mucus, and cells built up in the mammalian uterus in preparation to receive an embryo and discarded when fertilization of the egg has not taken place.
Menshevik a member of the Russian Social Democratic party that opposed the more radical Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution. [2 definitions]
men's room a public lavatory or restroom for men and boys.
menstrual of or relating to menstruation or the discharge that occurs during menstruation.
menstruate to periodically discharge blood, mucus, and dead cells from the uterus, as by a female of child-bearing age.
menstruation the usu. periodic process of discharging blood, mucus, and dead cells from the mammalian uterus when the egg is not fertilized. [2 definitions]
mensurable subject to measurement; measurable.
mensural of or relating to measure. [2 definitions]
mensuration the act, process, or method of measuring. [2 definitions]
-ment action; process. [3 definitions]
mental of or pertaining to the operation of the mind. [4 definitions]
mental age an individual's mental ability, measured in terms of the chronological age at which an average person would attain that level of intelligence.
mental health the condition, or degree of health, of one's mind and emotions. [3 definitions]