methemoglobin |
a substance formed in the blood by the oxidation of hemoglobin, as by the effects of certain drugs. |
methionine |
a sulfur-containing amino acid that is found in proteins and is essential in the diet of humans and other animals. |
method |
plan or mode of procedure; way. [3 definitions] |
methodical |
done, arranged, or acting in an orderly and systematic way. [2 definitions] |
Methodism |
the doctrines, beliefs, and practices of the Methodists. [2 definitions] |
Methodist |
a member of a Protestant Christian religious denomination developed from the teachings of John Wesley in the early eighteenth century. [3 definitions] |
methodize |
to reduce to a systematic and orderly way or arrangement. [2 definitions] |
methodology |
a body of methods, principles, and rules used for a specific activity or branch of knowledge. [2 definitions] |
methotrexate |
A toxic analog of folate that is used as a chemotherapy agent, an immune system suppressant, and an abortifacient. |
Methuselah |
according to the Old Testament, a patriarch who lived 969 years. |
methyl |
a common organic chemical unit made up of carbon and hydrogen, usu. existing only in combination. |
methyl acetate |
a clear liquid substance that readily evaporates, used esp. as a solvent and paint remover. |
methyl alcohol |
a colorless, volatile, poisonous liquid, consisting of one carbon atom per molecule with hydrogen and oxygen, that is used as a fuel, solvent, and antifreeze; methanol. |
methyl chloride |
a colorless, poisonous gas, used as a local anesthetic, in refrigeration, and in organic synthesis. |
metical |
the chief monetary unit of Mozambique, equaling one hundred centavos. |
meticulous |
carefully attentive to every small detail; painstaking. |
métier |
a particular field of activity such as a trade; occupation. [2 definitions] |
metonymy |
a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is used in place of something else with which it is associated, such as "the grape" for wine, "laurels" for fame, or "the law" for a police officer. |
metopic |
of or relating to the forehead. |
metre |
a spelling of "meter1" (unit of measure) and "meter2" (musical time) used in Canada and Britain. See "meter" for more information. |
metric1 |
of or pertaining to the system of measurement based on the meter. |