mew1 |
a small cry made by a cat. [2 definitions] |
mew2 |
to shut away or confine as in a cage (often fol. by "up"). |
mewl |
to cry or whine in a weak manner; whimper. |
mews |
urban stables or carriage houses, esp. in England, that were built along an alley or grouped around a court, many of which have subsequently been converted into small houses or apartments. |
Mexican |
of or pertaining to Mexico or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions] |
Mexican hairless |
a small dog of a breed esp. found in Mexico, having no hair on its body except for a bit on the head and tail. |
Mexican stand-off |
a position of impasse with the possibility of hostile aggression. |
Mexican War |
the war of 1846-48 between the United States and Mexico. |
Mexico |
a North American country south of the United States. [2 definitions] |
Mexico City |
the capital of Mexico. |
mezereon |
a mezereum. |
mezereum |
a low flowering shrub, native to Europe and Asia, that bears fragrant pinkish purple flowers early in spring. [2 definitions] |
mezuzah |
a small case containing a piece of parchment inscribed with Biblical passages, that is traditionally attached to the doorpost of a Jewish home. |
mezzanine |
a low-storied floor located in between two full floors of a building, sometimes serving as a balcony. [2 definitions] |
mezzo |
in music, medium; moderate (usu. used in combination). [3 definitions] |
mezzo-relievo |
sculptural relief in which the work projects about halfway from the background. |
mezzo-soprano |
a voice range higher than contralto and lower than soprano. [2 definitions] |
mezzotint |
a method of engraving on roughened copper or steel by scraping and polishing areas to produce effects of light and shade. [3 definitions] |
mfg. |
abbreviation of "manufacturing," the production of goods on a mass scale. |
mfr. |
abbreviation of "manufacturer," one who makes things by machine, esp. a company that produces items in mass quantities. |
Mg |
symbol of the chemical element magnesium. |