mimic |
to copy or imitate, often playfully or as part of a learning process. [8 definitions] |
mimic octopus |
a type of brown octopus that lives along the shallow muddy bottoms of river mouths off the coast of Southeast Asia that has the capability of mimicking toxic species, such as sole, lionfish, and seasnake. |
mimicry |
an act, instance, or the art of imitating or copying the speech, behavior, or expressions of others. [2 definitions] |
mimosa |
any of a number of usu. tropical trees, shrubs, or herbs that bear clusters of small flowers arranged in spherical heads, and have leaves that are sensitive to light or touch. |
min.1 |
abbreviation of "minute" or "minutes." |
min.2 |
abbreviation of "minimum." |
mina |
in antiquity, a unit of weight and money equal to one sixtieth of a talent or one hundred drachmas. |
minaret |
a tall, thin tower on a mosque with a balcony from which Muslims are called to prayer. |
minatory |
presenting a threat; menacing. |
mince |
to cut into very small, fine pieces. [7 definitions] |
mincemeat |
a mixture of chopped apples, raisins, currants, orange peel, and the like, that is combined with suet and sometimes meat, and used as a filling for pies. [2 definitions] |
mince pie |
a pie with a mincemeat filling. |
mincing |
dainty or elegant in an affected way. |
mind |
the reasoning faculty, which thinks, judges, understands, and directs. [13 definitions] |
mind-boggling |
(informal) incapable of being comprehended; perplexing. |
minded |
having a certain intention or a certain kind of mind (used in combination). |
mind-expanding |
capable of altering mental perceptions; psychedelic. |
mindful |
careful; attentive (usu. fol. by "of"). |
mindless |
lacking intelligence, reason, or sense. [2 definitions] |
mind one's p's and q's |
to be careful in one's behavior, esp. not to give offense. |
mind reader |
one who professes or is said to have the ability to know what another is thinking without any conventional means of communication. |