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mintage the act or process of coining money. [4 definitions]
mint jelly a jelly with mint flavoring, usu. served with lamb.
mint julep a tall, frosted alcoholic beverage made with bourbon or brandy, sugar, ice, and mint.
minuend in arithmetic, a number from which another number is subtracted. (Cf. subtrahend.)
minuet a slow, graceful dance in three-quarter time, popular in Europe and America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. [2 definitions]
minus made less by the subtraction of. [7 definitions]
minuscule so small as to be almost negligible; tiny. [4 definitions]
minus sign One action we do with numbers is to subtract one number from another number. An example of multiplying is "five minus three equals two." When we write this in numbers, we use something called a minus sign (-) between the first two numbers: 5 - 3. The minus sign tells us that what is going to happen with these two numbers is subtracting. Three is going to be taken away from five.
minute1 a unit of time equal to sixty seconds or one sixtieth of an hour. (abbr.: min.) [6 definitions]
minute2 extremely small in size, amount, or degree; tiny. [2 definitions]
minute hand the longer hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face once an hour and indicates minutes.
minutely occurring on a small or minute scale, or in fine detail.
minuteman an American militiaman of the Revolutionary War period who was ready to fight on a moment's notice.
minute steak a small, thin piece of steak, often cubed, that cooks quickly.
minutia (usu. pl.) a small or unimportant detail; triviality.
minx a flirtatious or impudent young woman.
Miocene of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch between the Oligocene and Pliocene of the Tertiary Period, from approximately 26 million to 5 million years ago, when mammals began to acquire modern characteristics. [2 definitions]
miosis severe contraction of the pupil of the eye. (Cf. mydriasis.)
Mira a red variable star in the constellation Cetus, having a widely fluctuating magnitude between 2.0 and 10.0.
mirabelle a small, sweet, deep-yellow fruit that resembles a plum. [3 definitions]
mirabile dictu (Latin) wonderful to say or relate.