New Jersey |
an eastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between New York and Delaware. (abbr.: NJ) |
new journalism |
(sometimes cap.) a style of reporting characterized by the reporter's subjective interpretations and the insertion of dramatized, fictional events, conversations, and the like. |
New Left |
a radical political movement from the 1960s advocating revolutionary changes in the political, social, and economic structure of society, esp. U.S. society. |
newly |
recently. [3 definitions] |
newlywed |
one who has recently married. |
new math |
a system of teaching mathematics based on set theory, used in many U.S. elementary and secondary schools since the middle of the twentieth century. |
New Mexico |
a southwestern U.S. state between Texas and Arizona. (abbr.: NM) |
new moon |
the phase of the moon when it passes directly between the sun and the earth. |
new penny |
the official name of the smaller monetary unit of the United Kingdom and Ireland. (See penny.) |
news |
(used with a sing. verb) a report of recent events considered noteworthy, as transmitted through the media. [3 definitions] |
news agency |
a business organization that gathers and sells news to subscribers such as newspapers and radio and television stations; news service. |
newsagent |
(chiefly British) a store, or the owner of a store, that sells newspapers, magazines, and sweets; newsstand. |
newsboy |
a boy who sells or delivers newspapers. |
newscast |
a news broadcast on television or radio. |
newsdealer |
someone, esp. a retailer, who sells newspapers, magazines, or the like. |
news feed |
a data format that allows users to frequently update content on a web page. [2 definitions] |
newsgroup |
a discussion group on a computer network such as the Internet where people post and read messages on specific topics. |
newsless |
combined form of news. |
newsletter |
an informational letter or small newspaper directed to a special audience, as of employees, members of an organization, or subscribers. |
newsmagazine |
a magazine, often issued weekly, that reports and analyzes current events. |
newsman |
a man employed in the gathering, reporting, or editing of news. |