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not hold a candle to to not be nearly as good or worthy as (another person or thing).
notice warning, news, or indication of something, esp. in written or printed form. [7 definitions]
noticeable easily noticed; evident; apparent. [2 definitions]
noticeboard (chiefly British) a board on which items such as notices or advertisements are displayed; bulletin board.
notification the act or an instance of giving notice; notifying. [3 definitions]
notify to give notice to; tell or inform, esp. formally.
no-till farming a method of farming that prepares the soil for planting without plowing or otherwise breaking into and turning over the soil forcefully with machinery. In no-till farming, residue of the previous crop remains on top of the soil, and the soil is cut into only slightly for seeding.
notion an idea, opinion, or view. [3 definitions]
notional of, pertaining to, or expressing an idea. [3 definitions]
notochord a rod-shaped grouping of cells that forms the central supporting structure of chordate animals and of the embryos of vertebrates, in which it develops into the spinal column.
notoriety the condition or quality of being widely known or spoken of, esp. for something unfavorable or bad.
notorious widely known or spoken of, esp. for something unfavorable or bad.
Notre Dame de Paris a renowned cathedral in Paris, France, generally known simply as "Notre Dame." Construction of the Gothic-style cathedral began in the twelfth century.
no-trump of a hand or contract in bridge, to be played without specifying a trump suit. [2 definitions]
not to mention and in addition (used to mention an additional thing that is equal to, greater, or more obvious than the first thing mentioned, despite saying that one need not mention it. This additional thing may have just been remembered by the speaker or was previously felt unnecessary to say).
notum a dorsal plate or part on an insect segment, esp. the thorax.
notwithstanding in spite of; despite (sometimes used after its object rather than before). [3 definitions]
Nouakchott the capital of Mauritania.
nougat a chewy or brittle candy that contains nuts and sometimes chunks of fruit.
nought variant of naught.
noun in grammar, a word that names a person, place, thing, condition, or quality, that usu. has plural and possessive forms, and that functions as the subject of a sentence or as the object of a verb or preposition. [3 definitions]