ommatophore |
a movable stalk bearing an eye, as in certain snails. |
omni- |
all. |
omnibus |
a large, long motor vehicle for transporting passengers; bus. [3 definitions] |
omnidirectional |
able to receive radio waves or the like from, or broadcast them in, all directions. |
omnifarious |
of all kinds or forms. |
omnipotence |
the state or quality of being all-powerful. |
omnipotent |
possessing infinite power; all-powerful. [3 definitions] |
omnipresent |
existing in all places at any given time. |
omniscient |
infinite in knowledge; all-knowing. [3 definitions] |
omnium-gatherum |
a miscellaneous collection; miscellany. |
omnivore |
an animal that feeds on both plants and animals. |
omnivorous |
living on a diet of both plant and animal food. [3 definitions] |
omophagia |
the eating of raw meat. |
omphalos |
the navel or bellybutton. [2 definitions] |
-on1 |
subatomic particle. [3 definitions] |
-on2 |
used in naming inert gases. |
-on3 |
a chemical compound that does not contain oxygen in a carbonyl group. |
on |
above and supported by. [19 definitions] |
on account of |
because of. |
on a dime |
(informal) with great quickness, precision, or accuracy. |
on and on |
at excessive length. |