oophorectomy |
a surgical operation involving the removal of one or both ovaries; ovariotomy. |
oophoritis |
inflammation of one or both ovaries; ovaritis. |
oops |
a mild expression of dismay, sudden embarrassment, or unpleasant surprise, esp. at one's own mistake; whoops. |
ootheca |
an egg case, as of certain insects or mollusks. |
ooze1 |
to seep out gradually and slowly, as liquid, gas, or sound may do. [7 definitions] |
ooze2 |
any particularly soft mud, or an area, such as a marsh, that is soft and muddy. [2 definitions] |
ooze leather |
calfskin, sheepskin, or goatskin leather, having a velvety finish. |
oozy1 |
giving off, or wet with, moisture. |
oozy2 |
of, like, or having soft mud. |
op- |
against. [2 definitions] |
opacity |
the quality, state, or degree of being opaque; lack of transparency. [4 definitions] |
opal |
a variously colored, often iridescent, hydrated form of silica often used as a semiprecious stone. |
opalescent |
exhibiting a spectrum of colors or changing colors like that of an opal; iridescent. [2 definitions] |
opaline |
like opal; opalescent. [2 definitions] |
opaque |
not allowing light to pass through. (Cf. transparent.) [6 definitions] |
op art |
a style of abstract, usu. hard-edged art in which forms, spaces, and colors are deliberately arranged to produce optical ambiguities and illusions. |
op. cit. |
abbreviation of "opere citato" (Latin); in the work cited. |
ope |
(archaic) to open. [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries." |
op-ed |
a newspaper page, generally appearing opposite the editorial page, that presents the submitted opinions or contributions of readers, or a single signed article on such a page. [2 definitions] |
open |
allowing entry or access; not shut, enclosed, or fastened. [27 definitions] |