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pan an open, shallow container, usu. made of metal, designed for cooking, baking, or other household uses. [6 definitions]
pan- all.
panacea a remedy or solution for all diseases, ills, or difficulties; cure-all.
panache a confidently stylish, dashing, or flamboyant manner. [2 definitions]
Panama a Central American country on the border of South America. [3 definitions]
Panama Canal a canal that reaches from the Atlantic southeast through the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific.
Panama hat a durable, lightweight, crushable hat made of the flexible strawlike leaves of a perennial that is native to Central and South America. [2 definitions]
Pan-American of, pertaining to, including, or representing North, Central, and South America or their peoples.
Pan American Exposition a world's fair held in 1901 in Buffalo, New York, where the use of electricity was the highlight and at which U.S. President William McKinley was assassinated.
Pan-Americanism any policy or theory advocating mutual aid and cooperation among the Pan-American nations, such as the establishment of political, economic, military, and cultural alliances.
panatela a long thin cigar.
pan-broil to cook over direct heat in an uncovered frying pan, using little or no grease.
pancake a flat round cake of batter fried on both sides on a griddle or frying pan; hotcake; griddlecake. [4 definitions]
Pancake Day (chiefly British; informal) Shrove Tuesday.
Pan-Cake Make-Up trademark for a cosmetic face powder formed into a compact round cake.
panchromatic of photographic film, sensitive to all visible colors.
pancreas a gland located near the stomach that secretes a digestive juice into the intestine and insulin into the blood.
pancreatic juice the clear, alkaline secretion of the pancreas that aids in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas.
panda a large bearlike mammal of China and Tibet that has woolly fur with dramatic black and white markings, including black rings around the eyes; giant panda. [2 definitions]
pandect (pl.) a legal code. [2 definitions]