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paramount foremost in importance, power, or the like; chief. [2 definitions]
paramour a lover, esp. one in an adulterous affair.
Paraná a major river in South America originating in Brazil and flowing mostly south, forming the border between Paraguay and Argentina and eventually merging with the Uruguay River to form the Río de la Plata.
Paraná River a major river in South America originating in Brazil and flowing mostly south, forming the border between Paraguay and Argentina and eventually merging with the Uruguay River to form the Río de la Plata.
paranoia a severe mental disorder marked by persistent and very exaggerated delusions of being grand or important, or of being persecuted by others. [2 definitions]
paranoid having or exhibiting an unrealistic suspicion and mistrust of others.
paranormal not explainable by scientific methods or on the basis of normal experience, esp. in the mental or psychic realm.
parapet a low protective wall or railing at the edge of a high platform, bridge, balcony, or the like. [2 definitions]
paraphernalia (used with a pl. verb) personal possessions, esp. small items. [2 definitions]
paraphrase a restatement of a passage or text in somewhat different words so as to simplify, clarify, or amplify. [4 definitions]
paraplegia paralysis of the legs and lower torso because of spinal cord injury or disease.
parapraxis an action in which a person's conscious intent is not entirely carried out, as in making errors or losing things.
paraprofessional a worker trained to assist a professional person in a semiprofessional capacity.
parapsychology the scientific study of mental phenomena, such as telepathy or clairvoyance, that have no current scientific explanation.
Para rubber crude rubber obtained from any of several tropical spurge trees of South America.
parasite an animal or plant that lives on or in another organism and draws sustenance from it. [2 definitions]
parasitic of, concerning, or caused by a parasite.
parasitism the method of existence or survival of a parasite. [2 definitions]
parasitize to live as a parasite on.
parasitology the scientific study of parasites and parasitism.
parasitosis a disease caused by any sort of parasites.