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patron a person who buys the goods or services of a business establishment, esp. a regular customer or client of a shop, hotel, restaurant, or the like. [2 definitions]
patronage the financial or other support given to a business establishment by its customers or clients. [3 definitions]
patronize to be a customer or client of, esp. on a regular basis. [3 definitions]
patronizing showing or suggesting an offensively superior or condescending manner.
patron saint a saint regarded as the special guardian of a certain occupation, country, group of people, or the like.
patronymic a name derived from the name of a male forebear.
patroon under the original Dutch governments of New York and New Jersey, one who was given the proprietorship of a large tract of land, along with certain privileges of use.
pat (someone) on the back (informal) to encourage, praise, or congratulate by words or actions.
patsy (slang) one who is easily victimized or manipulated.
patten any of various thick-soled wooden shoes formerly used for walking in mud.
patter1 to make a series of quick, light, tapping sounds. [4 definitions]
patter2 rapid, glib, and often amusing talk, as by a comedian, salesman, auctioneer, or magician. [5 definitions]
pattern an arrangement or ordering of items that repeats in a predictable way. [9 definitions]
patternless combined form of pattern.
patty a small flat round or oval cake of ground meat or other food. [2 definitions]
patty-cake the first words of a common nursery rhyme. [2 definitions]
pattypan a round flattish type of summer squash that has a scalloped edge.
patty shell a small pastry crust that is filled with meat, vegetables, fruit, or the like.
Patuxet Wampanoag village in southeastern Massachusetts whose inhabitants nearly all died of illness between 1616 and 1618. In 1620, English colonists established Plymouth Colony at the site of this village.
paucity smallness of number or amount; scarcity.
Paul an early convert to Christianity, the apostle of the Gentiles, and the author of the Acts of the Apostles and several of the Epistles in the New Testament.