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pelisse an outer garment, such as a cape, that is lined or trimmed with fur. [2 definitions]
pellagra a disease caused by too little niacin in the diet, resulting in skin rash, nerve disorders, and diarrhea.
pellet a small bullet or shot. [4 definitions]
pelletize to treat (pulverized ore or coal) with additives, roll into aggregates, and harden by baking into pellets.
pell-mell in a hasty, disordered, jumbled manner. [2 definitions]
pellucid allowing maximum light to pass through; transparent. [2 definitions]
Peloponnese a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnesus.
Peloponnesus a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnese.
pelota a court game in which the players hit a ball against a wall using a long basket tied to a wrist. [2 definitions]
pelt1 to attack by hurling missiles or by repeated blows. [6 definitions]
pelt2 the skin or hide of an animal, usu. fur-bearing.
peltate having the leaf stalk attached near the center of the surface of a leaf instead of at the margin.
peltry pelts or undressed furs collectively.
pelvic of or relating to the pelvis.
pelvic arch see "pelvic girdle."
pelvic girdle in a vertebrate, the skeletal structure of bone, cartilage, or both to which the hind legs, fins, or the like are attached; pelvic arch.
pelvis in many vertebrates, the basinlike structure formed by the hipbones and other bones that form a ring near the base of the spinal column. [2 definitions]
pemmican a North American Indian dried food made of pounded shreds of meat, melted fat, and often berries, formed into a cake.
pen1 any of various instruments used for writing or drawing in ink. [4 definitions]
pen2 a small, usu. fenced enclosure for animals. [3 definitions]
pen. abbreviation of "peninsula," an area of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water, and connected to a mainland by a usu. narrow strip of land.