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phantom an unreal or illusory figure, such as a ghost or specter; apparition. [4 definitions]
pharaoh a king of ancient Egypt, or (cap.) the title of any one of these kings.
pharisaic (cap.) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Pharisees. [3 definitions]
pharisaism (cap.) the beliefs, doctrines, and practices of the Pharisees. [2 definitions]
pharisee (cap.) a member of an ancient Jewish sect that adhered strictly to oral and written religious law and believed in the appearance of a Messiah. [2 definitions]
pharmaceutical of or relating to pharmacists or medicinal drugs. [2 definitions]
pharmaceutics (used with a sing. verb) the science or profession of preparing and dispensing drugs.
pharmacist a person who is trained and licensed in the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs; druggist.
pharmaco- drug.
pharmacognosy the science dealing with the plant, animal, and mineral sources and properties of drugs, esp. in their crude or unprepared states.
pharmacokinetic of or related to the absorption, processing, and elimination of a drug by the body, or to the field of pharmacokinetics.
pharmacokinetics the study of the absorption, processing, and elimination of drugs by the body. [2 definitions]
pharmacology the scientific study of the composition, use, and effects of drugs and medicines.
pharmacopoeia a book that contains an authorized list of drugs and other medicines, along with information on their preparation, use, and effects. [2 definitions]
pharmacy the practice, profession, or art of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicine. [3 definitions]
pharyngeal of, concerning, or near the pharynx.
pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx.
pharyngo- pharynx.
pharyngology the study of the pharynx and the diseases associated with it.
pharyngoscope an instrument that is used to examine the pharynx.
pharynx the cavity and surrounding muscles and tissue located between the back of the nose and throat and the esophagus.