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philosophic calm and rational in difficult or distressing situations; stoic.
philosophical of, based on, or pertaining to philosophy or philosophers. [2 definitions]
philosophize to reason in the way of a philosopher. [2 definitions]
philosophy the study of the nature and principles of knowledge, truth, existence, and moral and aesthetic values. [3 definitions]
-philous having a strong affinity for or association with.
philter a magic potion, esp. one designed to make a person fall in love.
philtrum the vertical groove between the upper lip and the nose.
phimosis an abnormal condition in which the foreskin of the penis is so tight that the glans cannot be exposed. [2 definitions]
phish to attempt to fraudulently obtain sensitive data, such as credit card details and security passwords, through apparently official electronic communication, such as an e-mail or text message.
phishing attempts to fraudulently obtain sensitive data, such as credit card details and security passwords, through apparently official electronic communication, such as an e-mail or text message.
phlebitis inflammation of a vein.
phlebo- vein.
phlebotomy the therapeutic drawing of blood by opening a vein.
phlegm a thick mucus that is produced in the respiratory tract esp. during a cold, and discharged by coughing. [3 definitions]
phlegmatic not given to shows of emotion or interest; slow to excite. [2 definitions]
phlegmy of, related to, or resembling phlegm.
phloem the soft tissue in vascular plants that contains tubes and other cellular and fibrous material used to conduct food.
phlogistic of or pertaining to fever or inflammation. [2 definitions]
phlogiston a nonexistent chemical that was once believed to be the cause of combustion and to be released by anything burning.
phlox any of a number of herbs that grow primarily in North America and bear clusters of white, purple, or reddish flowers. [2 definitions]
Phnom Penh the capital of Cambodia.