piety |
worshipful devotion to and veneration of God or family; piousness. [2 definitions] |
piezoelectric |
of or pertaining to, or using electricity produced when stress is applied to certain materials. |
piezoelectric effect |
an electric polarization that arises in some crystals when they are subjected to mechanical pressure, and, conversely, the mechanical deformation in these crystals that results when an electric field is applied to them. |
piezoelectricity |
a form of electricity or a charged state produced by applying pressure to certain crystals. |
piffle |
(informal) meaningless or nonsensical talk; babble. [2 definitions] |
pig |
any of a number of omnivorous cloven-hoofed mammals with broad snouts; swine; hog. [3 definitions] |
pigeon |
any of various passerine birds that have a stout body, small head, and short legs. [3 definitions] |
pigeon breast |
a deformity of the human chest occurring as a result of certain diseases, such as rickets, that is characterized by a sharply protruding breastbone. |
pigeon drop |
a swindle wherein a person gives over personal money in response to a fraudulent promise that such funds will bring large returns or profit. |
pigeon hawk |
a small falcon that is closely related to the European merlin. |
pigeon-hearted |
lacking boldness or courage; shy or meek. |
pigeonhole |
a small, recessed area in which a pigeon builds its nest. [5 definitions] |
pigeon pea |
a kind of tropical pea plant that bears vivid yellow flowers. [2 definitions] |
pigeon-toed |
having toes or feet pointing inward instead of straight ahead. |
piggish |
greedy, sloppy, dirty, or boorish. |
piggy |
a young or small pig. [2 definitions] |
piggyback |
upon the shoulders or back. [2 definitions] |
piggy bank |
a small bank, esp. one in the shape of a pig, in which coins are deposited through a slot and saved. |
pigheaded |
obstinate; stubborn. |
pig iron |
iron from a blast furnace that has been cast into blocks. [2 definitions] |
piglet |
a young pig. |