piglet |
a young pig. |
pigment |
anything that is used to or serves to provide color. [4 definitions] |
pigmentation |
the colored condition resulting from the use or presence of a pigment. [2 definitions] |
Pigmy |
variant of Pygmy. |
pignolia |
the edible seed of any of several nut-bearing pine trees. |
pignut |
any of several nut-bearing hickory trees of the eastern United States. [2 definitions] |
pig-out |
(slang) the act or an instance of overeating. |
pigpen |
a yard or cage in which pigs are kept. [2 definitions] |
pigskin |
a pig's hide, esp. when tanned. [2 definitions] |
pigsticking |
the hunting of wild boars, esp. the spearing of them from horseback. |
pigsty |
a yard or cage in which pigs are kept; pigpen. [2 definitions] |
pigtail |
a braid of hair that hangs downward from the back of the head. |
pigweed |
any of several wild plants having coarse leaves and small green flowers, such as certain types of goosefoot and amaranth. |
abbreviation of "payment in kind." |
pika |
any of a family of small mammals related to rabbits that are found in rocky, mountainous regions of western North America and Asia. |
pike1 |
any of several large freshwater fishes with elongated, flattened snouts, that are caught for food or sport. [2 definitions] |
pike2 |
a long pole with a sharp head, formerly used by foot soldiers as a weapon. |
pike3 |
a road on which a toll is charged; turnpike. |
pike4 |
any sharp point, as on an arrow. |
piker |
(informal) a person who is exceptionally careful with money or who does things in a stingy or small way; cheapskate. |
pikestaff |
the long shaft of a soldier's pike. [2 definitions] |