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pork barrel (informal) a government bill or appropriation specifically designed to benefit a particular locale or industry in order to ingratiate legislators with their constituents.
porker a pig raised and fattened for its pork.
porkpie a man's hat having a low, flat, circular crown and a snap brim.
porky of, pertaining to, or similar to pork. [2 definitions]
pornography written or visual material intended to be sexually stimulating, esp. when void of artistic merit.
porosity the state, quality, or condition of being porous. [2 definitions]
porous having many pores. [2 definitions]
porphyria a hereditary metabolic disorder characterized by the discharge of reddish urine and by extreme sensitivity to sunlight.
porphyritic of or containing porphyry. [2 definitions]
porphyry a hard, purplish red rock containing coarse mineral crystals, esp. feldspar.
porpoise any of several sociable aquatic mammals, usu. with a dark back and paler underside, a blunt snout, and a triangular fin on the back. [2 definitions]
porridge boiled cereal grains or meal, such as oatmeal, usu. eaten with milk.
porringer a shallow bowl or cup, often with a handle, used esp. by children for soup, hot cereal, or the like.
port1 a place where ships load and unload, and its adjacent town or city. [4 definitions]
port2 the left-hand side of a ship or aircraft when facing forward. (Cf. starboard.) [4 definitions]
port3 a porthole or porthole covering. [3 definitions]
port4 a heavy sweet red wine.
port5 to carry (a military weapon) in both hands with the muzzle or blade near the left shoulder and the butt or hilt near the right hip. [3 definitions]
portable capable of being carried or transported. [4 definitions]
portable document format a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.
portage the carrying of small boats or their cargo overland between two navigable waterways. [4 definitions]