prefatory |
of, relating to, or serving as an introduction or preface; preliminary. |
prefect |
any of various officials appointed to high civil or military administrative or judicial posts in France, Italy, or ancient Rome. [3 definitions] |
prefecture |
the office, authority, territory, or official residence of a prefect. [2 definitions] |
prefer |
to consider more desirable than something else. [3 definitions] |
preferable |
worthy of being most desired or preferred. [2 definitions] |
preference |
a person or thing that is preferred. [3 definitions] |
preferential |
marked by, obtaining, or having preference. |
preferment |
the act of promoting or being promoted to a higher position or office. [2 definitions] |
preferred stock |
that portion of a corporation's stock on which dividends must be paid first, before common stock, and which usu. has priority in distribution of assets in the event the corporation liquidates. |
prefeudal |
combined form of feudal. |
prefight |
combined form of fight. |
prefigure |
to give an earlier indication, image, or representation of; foreshadow. [2 definitions] |
prefilled |
combined form of filled. |
prefinance |
combined form of finance. |
prefire |
combined form of fire. |
prefix |
an affix added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning and create a new word, such as "anti-" in "antiestablishment." [3 definitions] |
preflame |
combined form of flame. |
preflight |
prior or preparatory to an airplane flight. |
preformat |
combined form of format. |
preformulate |
combined form of formulate. |
prefreshman |
combined form of freshman. |