pronunciamento |
a manifesto or proclamation, esp. of a coup d'état; pronouncement. |
pronunciation |
the act, manner, or result of pronouncing words, syllables, and the like. [4 definitions] |
-proof |
unable to be penetrated by (something specified). [2 definitions] |
proof |
evidence that proves the truth or existence of something. [13 definitions] |
proofread |
to examine (a manuscript or printer's proof) for errors and mark corrections on. [2 definitions] |
proof spirit |
an alcoholic beverage, or mixture of alcohol and water, that contains fifty percent alcohol by volume. |
prop1 |
to support, stabilize, or sustain with or as if with a beam, stick, stone, or the like. [4 definitions] |
prop2 |
a piece of furniture or other article used for a theatrical presentation or the like; stage property. |
prop3 |
(informal) a propeller, as on an airplane or boat. |
prop. |
abbreviation of "proprietor," an owner, or group of owners, of a business enterprise, real property, or the like. [2 definitions] |
propaedeutic |
pertaining to or serving as an introduction to a field of study, esp. in the arts or sciences. [2 definitions] |
propaganda |
information or statements of opinion that are deliberately circulated among the public in order to persuade the population to accept a particular point of view, esp. one in favor of or opposed to a particular movement, cause, or doctrine. |
propagandize |
to spread (beliefs, opinions, or the like) by the use of propaganda. [3 definitions] |
propagate |
to reproduce (offspring) or cause to reproduce. [6 definitions] |
propagation |
increase, esp. by natural reproduction. [2 definitions] |
propane |
a colorless flammable gas found in petroleum and natural gas and used for fuel and in chemical synthesis. |
pro patria |
(Latin) for one's country. |
propel |
to cause to move or keep moving forward or onward; thrust, push, or drive. |
propellant |
that which provides the force that propels, such as an explosive charge in a firearm. [2 definitions] |
propellent |
acting to propel; serving as a propellant. [2 definitions] |
propeller |
any of several devices used to propel an airplane, ship, or the like, usu. consisting of tilted blades radiating from a hub that revolves. |