psychoneurosis |
neurosis. |
psychopath |
someone who is mentally ill, esp. one who exhibits aggressive and antisocial behavior. |
psychopathic |
of, pertaining to, afflicted with, or characteristic of mental illness or psychopathy. |
psychopathic personality |
a personality showing symptoms of or tending toward psychopathic behavior, such as amoral, antisocial, or aggressive behavior, inability to relate to other people, and the like. |
psychopathology |
the scientific study of mental disorders. [2 definitions] |
psychopathy |
mental disease, disorder, or malfunction. |
psychopharmacology |
the study of the effect of drugs on the mind, emotions, and behavior. |
psychosexual |
of or pertaining to the relationship or dynamic between psychological phenomena and sexuality. |
psychosis |
serious mental disorder that affects all aspects of the personality and involves withdrawal from reality. |
psychosocial |
of, pertaining to, affected by, or involving the interaction between the individual personality and its social environment. |
psychosomatic |
of or relating to physical diseases or disorders that are caused or aggravated by emotional factors. |
psychotherapy |
the science or technique of treating mental and emotional problems with psychological methods rather than drugs or medications. |
psychotomimetic |
pertaining to or designating drugs that tend to cause symptoms of a psychotic state. |
psychotoxic |
of, pertaining to, or designating an agent that causes brain damage, such as certain drugs, excessive alcohol, or the like. |
psychotropic |
affecting the activities of the mind, as a tranquilizer, hallucinogen, or the like. |
Pt |
symbol of the chemical element platinum. |
Pt. |
abbreviation of "Point." |
pt. |
abbreviation of "point." [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "Parent-Teacher Association." |
ptarmigan |
any of a variety of grouse that are found in cold, northern regions, and whose brown plumage is replaced by white in the winter. |
PT boat |
a small, swift, highly maneuverable torpedo boat, used esp. to patrol and torpedo enemy merchant ships. |