public |
of, for, or pertaining to all members of a community; not private. [7 definitions] |
public-address system |
a system of electronic amplifiers used to make sounds easily heard by a large audience, as in a theater or auditorium, or outdoors. |
publican |
the proprietor of a pub (public house), who holds the license to sell alcoholic beverages. [2 definitions] |
publication |
the act of publishing printed material. [4 definitions] |
public debt |
the total amount of money owed to creditors by a local, state, or national government. |
public defender |
an attorney who, at public expense, defends persons accused of crimes who are themselves unable to pay. |
public domain |
land owned by the government, such as a state or national park or preserve. [2 definitions] |
public enemy |
a criminal or other person considered a menace to society. |
public house |
an inn or tavern; pub. |
publicist |
a person such as a publicity agent who is in the business of bringing information to public attention. |
publicity |
the distribution of information, as through the print or broadcast media, that attracts public attention or interest. [2 definitions] |
publicize |
to bring to public attention. |
public law |
a law or statute that applies to the general public. [2 definitions] |
publicly |
in a public manner; not secretively. [2 definitions] |
publicness |
the quality or condition of being public or publicly owned. |
public opinion |
the collective or general opinion of a people, esp. as a deciding factor in the creation of social policy or in actions of a political nature. |
public prosecutor |
(chiefly British) a laywer who is appointed by the government to prosecute criminal cases on the government's behalf; district attorney. |
public relations |
the organized efforts of a corporation, organization, institution, or the like to establish a favorable image or favorable relations with the general public. [2 definitions] |
public school |
in the US, an elementary or secondary school that is part of a system of free schools supported by public taxes and supervised by local officials. [2 definitions] |
public servant |
a government official, elected or appointed, or an employee of the civil service. |
public-service corporation |
a private corporation that provides a utility or other service to the public and is regulated by the government. |