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quilling a band of fabric that is fluted to look like a row of quills.
quilt a bed covering consisting of two layers of material, sewn together in often decorative panels and filled with feathers, wool, cotton, or the like. [5 definitions]
quilting material for making quilts or quilted fabric. [2 definitions]
quilting bee a social gathering of women at which they work together on a quilt or quilts.
quin- five.
quinary consisting of five, or arranged in sets of five. [2 definitions]
quince a flowering tree of the rose family that bears an edible fruit. [2 definitions]
quincunx an arrangement of five objects in a square with one in the center and one at each corner. [2 definitions]
quinic acid a colorless crystalline acid obtained from coffee beans, the bark of the cinchona tree, and the like.
quinidine a colorless crystalline alkaloid that resembles quinine, obtained from cinchona bark.
quinine a bitter organic derivative of the bark of a South American and Asian tree that is effective in treating malaria.
quinine water carbonated water flavored with quinine; tonic.
quinoa a plant native to the Andes mountains and grown for its edible seeds. [2 definitions]
quinoline a colorless liquid compound obtained from bones, coal tar, or alkaloids, or by synthesis, that is used as a solvent and in the making of dyes, antiseptics, and the like. [2 definitions]
quinquagenarian fifty years old or between the ages of fifty and sixty. [2 definitions]
Quinquagesima the fiftieth day before Easter; Sunday before Lent.
quinque- five.
quinquefoliolate having five leaflets, as a compound leaf.
quinquennial happening every five years. [5 definitions]
quinquevalent in chemistry, pentavalent. [2 definitions]
quinsy a swelling and reddening of the tonsils that produces pus and often an abscess.