raptly |
with complete attention. |
raptor |
a bird of prey. |
raptorial |
preying upon other animals; predatory. [3 definitions] |
rapture |
extreme joy; ecstasy; bliss. [2 definitions] |
rapture of the deep |
the early stage of nitrogen narcosis, a condition experienced by deep-sea divers under increased air pressure that resembles the sensation of intoxication. |
rapturous |
feeling or showing great joy or ecstasy; blissful. |
rara avis |
(Latin) rare bird; a rare, special, or unique person or thing. |
rare1 |
happening or being found very infrequently; uncommon. [4 definitions] |
rare2 |
of meat, cooked briefly to retain juices and redness in the interior. |
rarebit |
see "Welsh rabbit." |
rare earth |
any oxide of a rare-earth metal. [2 definitions] |
rare-earth metal |
any of the series of chemical elements, all metals, that have from fifty-seven to seventy-one protons per atom; lanthanide series. |
rarefied |
belonging to a relatively small or select group. [3 definitions] |
rarefy |
to make purer; refine. [4 definitions] |
rarely |
infrequently; seldom. [3 definitions] |
rarity |
something that is rare or unusual. [4 definitions] |
rascal |
one who is unscrupulous or dishonest; villain; scoundrel. [2 definitions] |
rascality |
mischievous behavior or character. [2 definitions] |
rascally |
resembling or characteristic of a rascal; knavish; mischievous. [2 definitions] |
rase |
to rub out; erase. [2 definitions] |
rash1 |
reckless, ill-considered, or hasty. [2 definitions] |