reliquefy |
combined form of liquefy. |
relish |
a great enjoyment or appreciation of something, esp. food or drink. [6 definitions] |
relishable |
combined form of relish. |
relive |
to experience or live over again, often in the imagination. |
reload |
combined form of load. |
reloadable |
combined form of reload. |
relocate |
to locate or move again. [3 definitions] |
relook |
combined form of look. |
relubricate |
combined form of lubricate. |
relubrication |
combined form of lubrication. |
reluctance |
a state of unwillingness or disinclination, often arising from uncertainty or doubt. |
reluctant |
unenthusiastic or unwilling; disinclined. [2 definitions] |
reluctantly |
with no enthusiasm or desire to do something, somewhat unwillingly. |
rely |
to trust or depend (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). |
rapid eye movement. [2 definitions] |
rem |
a unit of radiation exposure, equal to approximately one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays; roentgen equivalent man. |
remain |
to continue without a change in quality or state. [3 definitions] |
remainder |
something that remains after other things have been taken away. [3 definitions] |
remaining |
being what is left or still present. |
remains |
that which is left when parts have been taken away, destroyed, or the like. [4 definitions] |
remake |
to make again or in a new form; reconstruct. [3 definitions] |