resoak |
combined form of soak. |
resocialization |
combined form of socialization. |
resocialize |
combined form of socialize. |
resod |
combined form of sod. |
resolder |
combined form of solder. |
resole |
to furnish (a shoe, boot, or the like) with a new sole. [2 definitions] |
resolidification |
combined form of solidification. |
resolidify |
combined form of solidify. |
resoluble1 |
capable of being resolved. |
resoluble2 |
that can be redissolved. |
resolute |
having or showing firmness, determination, or resolve. |
resolution |
mental firmness, determination, or resolve. [8 definitions] |
resolvable |
able to be resolved. |
resolve |
to decide (something) firmly or earnestly, or to cause (someone) to do so. [8 definitions] |
resolved |
being of fixed or determined purpose. |
resolvent |
capable of causing a breaking down into constituent parts; solvent. [2 definitions] |
resolving power |
the ability of an optical system to yield separate images of close points. [2 definitions] |
resonance |
the quality of having a full, rich, long-lasting or echoing sound; the quality of resounding. [5 definitions] |
resonant |
resounding or reverberating; echoing. [4 definitions] |
resonate |
to produce resonance; to produce a full, deep, clear sound that continues for some time. [5 definitions] |
resonator |
any of various devices, often hollow, that produce sound through resonance, or that detect resonance. |