respirator |
a filtering device worn over a person's nose and mouth to keep pathogens and impurities in the air from being taken into the lungs. [2 definitions] |
respiratory |
of, relating to, or used in respiration. |
respiratory system |
the system that brings oxygen to the body. It is made up of the lungs, diaphragm, windpipe, and nasal passages. |
respire |
to breathe in air and then exhale it. [3 definitions] |
respiritualize |
combined form of spiritualize. |
respite |
a period of rest, esp. from something difficult or unpleasant. [4 definitions] |
resplendence |
the state or quality of being resplendent. |
resplendent |
full of splendor; radiant; shining. |
respond |
to give a reply, in words or otherwise. [3 definitions] |
respondent |
responding or replying. [3 definitions] |
responder |
a person or thing that responds or reacts. [2 definitions] |
response |
the act or process of responding. [3 definitions] |
responsibility |
the condition or fact of being responsible; the condition or fact of being answerable or accountable. [3 definitions] |
responsible |
answerable or accountable. [6 definitions] |
responsive |
acting or speaking in answer. [2 definitions] |
responsory |
a responsive verse or set of verses spoken or sung in a church service. |
respot |
combined form of spot. |
resprout |
combined form of sprout. |
res publica |
(Latin) public matter; the state, republic, or commonwealth. |
rest1 |
a state of relaxation or sleep that restores the body. [20 definitions] |
rest2 |
a piece or part that remains. [3 definitions] |