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rice a grass that is widely cultivated in warm, wet areas, esp. in India and China. [3 definitions]
rice paper a thin, delicate paper made from the pith of the rice-paper tree. [2 definitions]
rice-paper tree a small Asian tree or shrub related to the ginseng, having pithy stems used in making rice paper.
ricer a kitchen utensil that presses soft foods, such as cooked potatoes, through small holes to produce bits the size of rice.
rich having a great amount of money or valuable property. [8 definitions]
Richard M. Nixon the 37th President of the United States (1969-1974), who supported but eventually discontinued U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. President Nixon is credited with improving U.S. relations with China by making an historic trip to that country in 1972. Nixon is the only U.S. President to resign while in office (b.1913--d.1994).
richen to make rich or richer.
riches wealth. [2 definitions]
Richmond the capital of Virginia.
Richter scale a logarithmic scale from one to ten that is used to measure the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake.
rick a large, outdoor pile or stack of hay, straw, or the like, esp. when thatched or covered with a tarp. [2 definitions]
rickets (used with a sing. verb) a disease of children characterized by softening and deformity of the bones, usu. resulting from malnutrition or a lack of vitamin D, calcium, or sunlight.
rickettsia any of various parasitic microorganisms that are carried by lice, fleas, or ticks to animals and humans and cause typhus and other diseases.
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; unsound; shaky. [4 definitions]
rickey a drink made of soda water, lime juice, sugar, and often gin.
rickrack a flat strip of zigzag braid or ribbon used as trimming on clothing, cloth furnishings, and the like.
rickshaw a small, two-wheeled vehicle that carries one or two passengers and is pulled by someone who walks, jogs, or cycles ahead.
ricochet to bounce or skip off a surface at an angle; rebound. [2 definitions]
ricotta a soft white cheese of Italian origin that is similar to but smoother than cottage cheese.
rictus a gape or continuous gaping, as of a bird or other animal. [2 definitions]
rid to clear or free from something undesirable (usu. fol. by "of").