Rocky Mountain sheep |
see "bighorn." |
Rocky Mountain spotted fever |
a disease caused by a microorganism carried to humans by certain North American ticks that is characterized by high fever, rash, and pain in the muscles and joints. |
rococo |
a style of art, architecture, and decoration originating in France in the eighteenth century and marked by the use of intricate details, abundant ornamentation, and curving, asymmetric forms. [4 definitions] |
rod |
a straight, thin, usu. round and inflexible stick, shaft, or bar. [7 definitions] |
rode |
past tense of ride. |
rodent |
any of various related four-footed mammals, such as mice, rabbits, and woodchucks, characterized by large, sharp front teeth used for gnawing and nibbling. [3 definitions] |
rodeo |
an exhibition or competition of cowboy skills such as riding untamed horses or roping cattle. |
rodless |
combined form of rod. |
rodman |
the surveyor's assistant who holds the leveling rod. |
rodomontade |
puffed-up boasting or bravado. |
roe1 |
fish eggs, esp. as a mass in the female ovary. [2 definitions] |
roe2 |
a small, fleet deer of Europe and Asia, the male of which has three-pointed antlers; roe deer. |
roebuck |
the male of the roe deer. |
roentgen |
a unit of x-radiation or gamma radiation equal to the amount that produces, in 0.001293 gram or one cubic centimeter of dry air at zero degree Celsius and standard atmospheric pressure, one electrostatic unit of electricity. |
roentgenography |
photography that uses x-rays. |
Roentgen ray |
(sometimes l.c.) see "x-ray." |
rogation |
(usu. pl.) solemn prayers chanted during rites celebrated in some Christian churches during the three days before Ascension Day. [2 definitions] |
roger |
used to acknowledge reception of a radio message. [2 definitions] |
rogue |
one who is dishonest or malicious; scoundrel. [6 definitions] |
roguery |
the conduct or an act of a rogue. [2 definitions] |
rogues' gallery |
a collection of photographs of criminals kept by police to aid in the identification of suspects. |