shell game |
a game like thimblerig in which inverted shells, inside of one of which a small object is apparently hidden, are moved around quickly and onlookers bet on which shell contains the object. [2 definitions] |
shell out |
(informal) to pay, esp. reluctantly. |
shellproof |
protected from or invulnerable to shells or bombs. |
shell shock |
any of several neuroses resulting from traumatic experiences in war or combat. |
shelter |
a place, such as a structure, that provides protection from danger, weather, or the like; refuge. [7 definitions] |
sheltered workshop |
a workshop where handicapped persons work for wages and often receive job training in an environment devoid of the usual pressures of a job. |
shelterless |
combined form of shelter. |
shelter tent |
a small tent, usu. for two persons, that is assembled from two halves fastened together. |
sheltie |
(informal) a Shetland pony, or a Shetland sheepdog. |
shelve |
to put on a shelf or shelves. [3 definitions] |
shelves |
pl. of shelf. |
shelving |
a group of shelves, or shelves collectively. [3 definitions] |
Shema |
a principal Jewish prayer, recited at every religious service, that declares the unity of God. |
Shemite |
variant of Semite. |
shenanigan |
(informal; often pl.) an amusing, mischievous, or treacherous prank or other action. |
Sheol |
according to the Old Testament, a place deep within the earth that is the abode of the dead. |
shepherd |
a person who herds and watches over sheep at pasture. [3 definitions] |
shepherd dog |
any of various dogs that guard or herd sheep; sheepdog. |
shepherd's pie |
a dish of ground or diced meat baked with a crust or layering of mashed potatoes. |
shepherd's-purse |
a weed that bears small white cross-shaped flowers and pods that resemble purses or pouches. |
Sheraton |
of, concerning, or designating an eighteenth-century style of furniture featuring straight lines and simple classical decoration. |