shortbread |
a rich cake or cookie that contains much shortening, esp. butter. |
shortcake |
a cake or biscuit made with a rich dough, esp. a cake to be topped or filled with fruit and eaten as a dessert. |
shortchange |
to return less than the correct amount of change to. [2 definitions] |
short-circuit |
to disrupt an electrical circuit, usu. accidentally, by providing a low-resistance alternate path for current, often resulting in sparks or electrical damage. [3 definitions] |
short circuit |
a usu. inadvertent low-resistance alternate path for an electrical current, often resulting in damage. |
shortcoming |
a deficiency in character, ability, conduct, or the like; flaw. |
shortcut |
a quicker or more direct route. [3 definitions] |
short division |
mathematical division of one number by another, esp. by a one-digit divisor, without writing out the remainders. |
shorten |
to make shorter. [3 definitions] |
shortening |
fat such as butter or lard, used esp. in baking. [2 definitions] |
shortfall |
the act or fact of falling short of a desired or expected quantity or level, or the amount by which something falls short. |
short fuse |
(informal) a quick or explosive temper. |
shorthair |
any of several breeds of domestic cat with short fur. |
shorthand |
a system of writing in simple symbols or combinations of symbols representing sounds, words, or phrases, used to record dictation or speech rapidly. [3 definitions] |
short-handed |
lacking a full crew of workers or helpers. |
shorthorn |
one of a breed of beef or dairy cattle having short curved horns. |
shortie |
variant of shorty. |
short interest |
the total number of shares or units of a security, commodity, or the like, that have been sold short and have not been repurchased. |
shortish |
somewhat short. |
short-list |
a list of those candidates, as for an academic position, who have not been eliminated by preliminary screening. [2 definitions] |
short-lived |
having a short life or duration. |