spelunk |
to explore or investigate caves. |
spelunker |
one who explores caves as a hobby or studies them as a profession. |
spend |
to disburse (money or other resources). [4 definitions] |
spendable |
available to be spent. |
spender |
one who spends, esp. one known to spend large sums of money. |
spending |
the money spent by an individual or organization, or the manner in which it is spent. |
spending money |
cash for small personal expenses. |
spendthrift |
one who is extravagant or wasteful with money; squanderer. [2 definitions] |
spent |
past tense and past participle of spend. [3 definitions] |
-sperm |
seed. |
sperm1 |
a male animal's reproductive cell; spermatozoon. [2 definitions] |
sperm2 |
a white waxy solid obtained from the oil of the sperm whale's head, and used in cosmetics, ointments, and candles; spermaceti. [2 definitions] |
spermaceti |
a white waxy substance obtained from oil in the head of a sperm whale, used in candles, cosmetics, and ointments. |
-spermal |
see -spermous. |
spermatic |
of, pertaining to, or like sperm or sperm cells; seminal. [2 definitions] |
spermato- |
seed; sperm. |
spermatophore |
a compact mass of spermatozoa produced by males of certain animal species, such as salamanders and arthropods, that is transferred to the female during mating. |
spermatophyte |
any plant that bears seeds. |
spermatozoon |
an animal's mature male reproductive cell, usu. propelled by a moving tail. |
sperm oil |
a lubricating oil that is obtained from sperm whales. |
-spermous |
having (such or so many) seeds; -spermal. |