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stripling a male adolescent; youth.
strip mining an open-cut method of mining, esp. for coal, in which the rock and earth covering a mineral deposit, usu. near the surface, are removed by bulldozing.
stripper someone or something that strips. [2 definitions]
strip-search to require (a person such as a prisoner or suspect) to remove all clothing and be searched. [2 definitions]
strip steak a cut of boneless porterhouse.
striptease a form of entertainment in which a performer disrobes to the accompaniment of music. [2 definitions]
stripy having or marked with stripes; striped.
strive to try or work hard; exert oneself. [2 definitions]
strobe (informal) see "stroboscope."
strobila the long, jointed body of a tapeworm, not including the head.
strobilus in botany, the reproductive structure of most gymnosperms.
stroboscope any device used to study, measure, balance, or otherwise alter the motion of a moving, rotating, or vibrating body by making it appear to slow down or stop with the use of pulsed bursts of light or by viewing it through intermittent openings in a revolving disk.
strode past tense of stride.
stroganoff of meat, cooked with sour cream, onions, and mushrooms.
stroke an act or instance of striking. [13 definitions]
stroke oar the oar that is located nearest the stern of a racing shell. [2 definitions]
stroll to walk slowly and without a definite goal or purpose, as for exercise or pleasure. [3 definitions]
stroller one that takes a leisurely walk. [2 definitions]
stroma in anatomy, the supportive framework of an organ, typically consisting of connective tissue. [3 definitions]
stromal of or pertaining to stroma.
stromatolite a laminated rock with accumulated layers of prokaryotic bacteria, algae, and sediment found in shallow marine environments, contains the oldest fossils known today.