subsense |
combined form of sense. |
subsentence |
combined form of sentence. |
subsequent |
coming or happening after; following. |
subsequently |
at a time following some prior time or event; afterwards. |
subseries |
combined form of series. |
subserve |
to be useful in attempting to achieve (a purpose or goal). |
subservience |
obedience to those in positions above one. [2 definitions] |
subservient |
excessively submissive. [2 definitions] |
subset |
a mathematical set composed of elements contained within a given set. |
subside |
to decrease or abate, as noise, emotion, or the like. [3 definitions] |
subsidence |
the process of sinking to a lower level or to the bottom. |
subsidiary |
assisting or supplementing. [5 definitions] |
subsidize |
to provide financial assistance for; support with money. [2 definitions] |
subsidy |
direct financial assistance provided by the government to a business, industry, educational institution, individual, or the like. [2 definitions] |
subsist |
to exist or continue to exist. [2 definitions] |
subsistence |
the act, fact, or state of subsisting. [2 definitions] |
subsite |
combined form of site. |
subskill |
combined form of skill. |
subsociety |
combined form of society. |
subsoil |
the layer of earth or weathered material lying just beneath the surface soil. |
subsonic |
below an audible level; infrasonic. [2 definitions] |