suppurate |
to produce or release pus; fester. |
suppuration |
the production or release of pus. |
suppurative |
discharging pus. [3 definitions] |
supra- |
above; over. |
supranational |
outside of the boundaries or authority of a particular nation. |
supraorbital |
above the eye socket. (Cf. suborbital.) |
suprarenal |
situated on or above the kidney. [2 definitions] |
supremacist |
a person who promotes the idea that a certain race or group is or should be supreme. |
supremacy |
supreme power or authority. [2 definitions] |
supreme |
having the highest rank, position, or authority. [3 definitions] |
Supreme Court |
the highest federal court in the United States, consisting of nine appointed justices whose decisions on constitutional cases set precedents for all other courts in the nation. [2 definitions] |
supreme sacrifice |
the sacrifice of one's own life, esp. to save the life of another. |
Supreme Soviet |
the legislature or parliament of the former Soviet Union, which had two equal houses. |
Supt. |
abbreviation of "Superintendent," one who supervises or administers an institution, area, job, or the like. [2 definitions] |
sur-1 |
above; over; beyond. |
sur-2 |
instead of. [2 definitions] |
surah |
a soft silk or rayon cloth in a twill pattern. |
surcease |
the cessation or end of something. |
surcharge |
an added charge; tax. [4 definitions] |
surcingle |
a girth or belt that wraps around the body of a horse to secure a saddle, pack, or the like to its back. |
surcoat |
a loose outer garment, esp. a coat. [2 definitions] |